Manitoba Gathering Workshop - North End Connect: Internet Connectivity in the North End

Manitoba Gathering workshop feature:

North End Connect- Internet Connectivity in the North End

Facilitators: Joel Templeman (Internet Society Manitoba), Justin Menard (Computers for Schools MB- C4SManitoba), Shauna MacKinnon (The University of Winnipeg, Manitoba Research Alliance), and Jewel Pierre-Roscelli (LITE Winnipeg, Indigenous Vision for the North End)

This presentation will be an overview of recent efforts by local community groups to take on the problem of lacking, costly, and restrictive Internet connectivity in the North End. From Participatory Action Research to community-based efforts, we are seeking to challenge the way internet service is provided in low-income neighbourhoods. This is not a technology project; this is a digital equity / social justice project with community residents at its core. We aim to challenge the current privatized, commercial models and explore the option of Community Networks where control and governance remains in the hands of the community, and so too remains the benefits that come with Internet connectivity. We hope to get the word out about our project and stimulate more connection and support across the local community and wider non-profit network.

For more information on this and other workshops please click here: