OBJECTIVE #2: Connecting/Convening: Community members have opportunities to be the voice of and participate in the life of their community. Good communication and safe gathering places are essential to self and community empowerment and leadership. We’s role as a platform for community capacity building, leadership development, and as a community mobilizer is unique.
We will be an information hub, connecting residents to services, resources, events, opportunities and general information sharing.
We will promote training, educational and learning opportunities for residents in order to build capacity.
We will create and maintain an active social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), an online newsletter, and further disseminate information through outdoor sandwich boards, posters, flyers, monthly calendars, and public announcements.
We will take a lead role in organizing/facilitating community events that align with honoring Indigenous solstices in spring, summer, fall and winter at each solstice. These include: Lighting Up the Avenue; Volunteer Appreciation Dinner; Indigenous Day; and Community Pow Wow.
We will convene community around topical issues upon request or in collaboration with community groups such as I Heart the North End, Winnipeg Friendship Centre Initiative, Aboriginal Youth Opportunities, North End Votes, to name a few.
We will play a leadership role in gathering local expertise on various issues and challenges facing the North End, researching other models of practice on community-actualization, and convening sessions around promising practices.