Grandma Madeline Mousseau

A beautiful portrait of Madeline Mousseau

Grandma Madeline is from Sandy Bay First Nation and grew up in Portage La Prairie. Apart of the Martin Clan, her spirit name is Thunderbird Woman. Madeline lived in the North End for over 25 years and shared wisdom, Ojibway language, and teachings with community. Grandma Madeline made her journey to the Spirit World last year on August 19, 2021, she is greatly missed.

On Saturday at the @ma_mawi Family Fun Day event for Week of Truth and Reconcili-ACTION, we unveiled the portrait of Madeline to her family and the community. The portrait will be hung in the Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre, a place she visited often.

Thank you so much to Graphic Designer, Kale Bonham (@kaleiforniatattoos) for doing this beautiful portrait of Madeline.

GeneralShelley Anderson