Smudge The North End 2023

Smudge The North End

Miigwech to all of the community organizations and members who joined us on our Smudge The North End walk last week, in honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day and the Summer Solstice.

It was a beautiful day to share our traditional ways of knowing and being within this community that we love so much - The North End. We smudged with friends, family, neighbours and coworkers, handed out water and snacks, and participated in ceremony and celebration. Thanks for sharing this special day with us!

We ❤️ The North End

#IVNE #STNE #SmudgeTheNorthEnd #Indigenous #Community #Connect #Culture #Relationships #NorthEnd #NationalIndigenousPeoplesDay #SummerSolstice #Smudge #Medicine #Ceremony #Celebration