North End Connect Digital Literacy Classes

North End Connect Digital Literacy Classes

We are so excited to announce that we are starting our first round of digital literacy classes starting next week!

June 13th - Intro to Google Docs

June 20th - Intro to Google Sheets

June 27th - Intro to Zoom

July 4th - Intro to Canva

All classes 5:00PM-7:30PM @ St. Johns Library (500 Salter Street). *Bus tickets provided*

Limited spots available, to register please email!

We North End & Digital Literacy

#NorthEndConnect #IndigenousVisionForTheNorthEnd #IVNE #DigitalLiteracy #DigitialDivide #Internet #NorthEnd #Winnipeg #Community #Connect #Culture #Relationships #TechMB #Zoom #Canva #Google