NEWC Red Road to Healing Program


Tuesdays- Starting February 8th from 1:00pm-3:30pm

This is a virtual program. Registration is required by calling 204-589-7347 or emailing

Sessions include: safety planning, intergenerational effects of Residential school era, how this impacts current relationships and how to utilize support systems. It also includes teachings relevant to each session as well as a sweat lodge for participants. Along with the facilitators, there will be elders, knowledge keepers to share traditional teachings. There is also crisis support available. The program makes us of the medicine wheel as a teaching tool. Smudge, snacks, skirts, books also provided.

Red Road to Healing program developed by Shannon Buck and facilitated by trained facilitators, Hilda & Raine. Certificates of completion or participation received at the end of the 8 weeks .