Job Opportunities

The North End Community Renewal Corporation (NECRC) is hiring for the Tenant Landlord Cooperation! Extended until Aug 14, 2020

What is the Tenant Landlord Cooperation? 

The Tenant-Landlord Cooperation (TLC) is a team of housing advocates that work with landlords and tenants across the city to mediate tenancy conflict, ensure tenant and landlord rights are protected, and help tenants secure and maintain housing. Our work intersects with many different systems, including EIA, CFS, Justice, utility companies and the mental/physical healthcare systems. Our goal is to mitigate tenant-landlord conflict and improve tenant-landlord relationships where possible to ensure all tenants have ongoing access to safe, stable, and appropriate housing.

We are hiring:

TLC Advocates

Four (4) new TLC Advocates: TLC advocates provide direct advice, resources and advocacy support to tenants and landlords in conflict or crisis. We are looking for prospective employees with a working knowledge of the housing sector and the Residential Tenancies Branch (RTB), experience with direct advocacy for oppressed or marginalized communities, and the ability to problem-solve collaboratively across different organizations and sectors.

TLC Intake Coordinator

One (1) new TLC Intake Coordinator: The TLC Intake Coordinator acts as the first point of contact for most tenants, landlords and other front-line workers to the TLC. They are responsible for intaking new clients, collecting key information on their housing needs, and forwarding files to the TLC advocates. They are also responsible for managing the TLC database, completing TLC reporting, and providing general administrative support to the Housing Services Coordinator. We are looking for a prospective employee with strong communications skills and the ability to ensure tenants sharing their stories feel heard, respected, and supported.

If you have any questions about these positions or the TLC more broadly, please reach out to Quinn Conlon at or (431) 451-9714.

Please submit your resume and cover letter to by Aug 14, 2020