IVNE Smudge the North End for Truth & Reconciliation - September 28/2021

September 28 IVNE Smudge the North End.jpg

Wopida!! Miigwech!! Thank you!!

To all of our invited organizations who came out and walked with us for Smudge the North End. It was a beautiful morning to celebrate the indigenous ways of knowing and being, to take time to honour and remember the survivors of Residential Schools and the ones that didn’t make it home, and to be present within this community that we love - The North End.

This will not be the last Smudge the North End, or even the last IVNE event - we are planning something special for the winter. We hope that we will be in a safer place in the future and that we will be able to invite ALL of our wonderful community members and relatives to our next event.

I <3 North End

GeneralShelley Anderson