IVNE North End Connect Launch

Wopida! Miigwech! Ekosi! Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by our event to officially launch North End Connect!

North End Connect is a project between IVNE and The Internet Society - Manitoba Chapter that looks to address the digital divide, promote digital literacy, make technology more accessible and connect our community.

Our first phase is research and through community partnerships we will be hiring two part-time Research Assistants. Stay tuned for the official posting!

How can you get involved?

We are looking to establish a Community Advisory Committee made up of individuals who work and/or live in the North End.

We would love any referrals for Research Assistants (no experience required)!

Or you’re a North End resident open to being surveyed.

If you’re interested please send an email to info@indigenousvision.com.

More exciting news and announcements to come!

GeneralShelley Anderson