Indigenous Connectivity Summit in Anchorage, Alaska

Indigenous Connectivity Summit in Anchorage, Alaska!

Many miigweches to the Indigenous Connectivity Institute for holding a safe empowering, and learning space at the Indigenous Connectivity Summit.

Shelley with IVNE and Jewel with ISOC - Manitoba Chapter had the opportunity to present and give an update on the North End Connect project. The amount of encouragement and interest in the project that were so passionate about was overwhelming. Connecting and making relationships with our youth and relatives from all over Turtle Island and beyond was the highlight for sure (and seeing the mountains lol).

AND of course this would not be possible without the love and involvement of our North End community

To watch our presentation head to 5:25 of the video:

We North End

#IVNE #NorthEndConnect #NorthEnd #Anchorage #IndigenousConnectivitySummit #ICS2023 #DigitalEquity #Community #Connect #Culture #Relationships