COVID-19 Support Services from the Native Women's Association of Canada

Nov 24 NWAC COVID Support.png

From the Native Women’s Association of Canada website:


Talk 4 Healing
Service languages: Ojibway, Oji-Cree, Cree, English, French
Provides 24/7 culturally sensitive counselling, advice and support to Indigenous women.
Online service at

First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line
Service languages: Ojibway, Cree, Inuktut, English, French
Provides 24/7 culturally grounded assessment, referrals, support in times of crisis, and suicide intervention.

MMIW Crisis Line
Service languages: English, French
Provides 24/7 support to family, friends and community members who are being impacted by the loss of a missing or murdered Indigenous woman, girl or Two-spirit person.


Kid’s Help Phone
Service languages: English, French
Provides 24/7 anonymous and non-judgemental support to youth and teens.
Online service at

Youth Services BureauService languages: English, French
Provides 24/7 counselling and crisis line for youth and the LGBTQ community in Ottawa and Eastern Ontario; will also make referrals in other cities.
Online service at Thurs to Sun 4 p.m.–10 p.m. EST

Service language: English
Provides 24/7 support, information and resources to transgender or questioning people, as well as to their families and friends.

Mental Health

Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention
Service language: English
Provides educational materials and resources. Links to suicide prevention and intervention lines across Canada.

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

SOS Violence Conjugale
Service language: French
Provides 24/7 con‑confidential assessment, support, information and referral services.

Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Service languages: up to 154 languages
Provides 24/7 support, information and referrals to women who have experienced any form of abuse.